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Message in your wallet


Southbourne Lions Message in Your Wallet is designed to encourage mobile and reasonably active people to keep their personal and medical details on a standard form, and in place where

emergency services are most likely to look, their wallet, purse or handbag. Whilst it is focused on the more vulnerable people in our community, anyone can have an accident, so this scheme can benefit anyone, including you.

How does the scheme work?

As the name suggests, the personal information is kept in a card that folds to credit card size and can be easily kept in a wallet or purse. It contains information on medical conditions, medications, doctors, next of kin etc and even if you have a pet that may need looking after.

Southbourne Lions were one of the first clubs in England to adopt the scheme and to date we have distributed over 17,000 forms

Where can I get a form from?

Cards are available from Southbourne Lions tel 0345 833 5816. Cards are also available from doctors’ surgeries and chemists, St Richards Hospital and numerous other outlets in the area.

How much does it cost?

There is no cost to the user. The costs of running the scheme are being borne by Southbourne Lions and our sponsor.

20000+ Message In Your Wallet cards  have been distributed

Provides essential information to the emergency services when they need it

Southbourne Lions