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Our two local heroes, Elllie-Jane and Kieran are both from Bourne Community College and are joint winners in the Southbourne Lions Club Competition for the Young Ambassador of the 21st Century. Both were supported throughout by their proud parents and Head Teacher Aparna Sharma and were presented with cash prizes by Lions President Lynne Smith, Vicki King and Peter McCallum.

Both winners have done exceptional charity and voluntary work.

Kieran started raising funds for Target Ovarian Cancer after his grandmother died of the disease. He has carried on organizing events to raise money for a variety of charities and is Chair of the College student-run charity committee who are currently raising funds for a visit to Ghana to help in a local school.

Ellie is passionate about the Young Minds charity which supports under privileged and struggling children and is an ambassador at the College encouraging students to become more confident and less anxious. Ellie is also raising funds to join the school visit to Ghana.