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Southbourne Lions arranged fun days out for two groups of Young Carers from Bourne College in the first part of September.

A group of 11-13 year olds spent the day at the Cobnor Activities Centre. In the morning half of the group tried their hand

at kayaking in the Bosham Channel and the other half went for a sail around Chichester harbour in a keel boat crewed by

trained instructors.  In the afternoon, the Young Carers tried Archery and a trampoline game called Areoball in a field

adjacent to the sailing section. The Centre provided all the equipment necessary and qualified trainers for each activity

to guide the Young Carers who thought the whole day was “absolutely brilliant!”

A smaller group of older Young Carers spent a sunny warm afternoon having a fun time at the Jungle Paradise Adventure Golf

at Chichester Golf Club. The course consists of waterfalls, crocodiles, gorillas, a zebra and a jungle forest surrounding

18 crazy golf holes. The young people certainly made the most of the atmosphere and facilities and competed against each

other for the lowest overall score for the magnificent prize of a chocolate bar!


Many thanks to the Southbourne Community who contribute funds via the Christmas Sleigh and other collections so that the

Southbourne Lions can provide this sort of activity for a worthy group of young people.

Vicki King on behalf of Southbourne (West Sussex) Lions

With thanks to all those in our community who donate to the COOP community fund, Southbourne Lions was able to fund a fun time out for a small group of young carers from Bourne Community College.