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15 young carers, who have caring responsibilities for loved ones at home and therefore reduced social opportunities, had an absolutely brilliant day out at the Christian Youth Enterprise facility at Cobnor at the end of May.

The weather was ideal and they all set off in the morning in sailing dinghies closely supervised by experienced, caring and qualified sailing instructors. By the time the two dinghies had reached Bosham they had all found their sea legs and were ready for an ice-cream!

After lunch in the Training Ship Resolute permanently moored on the west bank of Bosham channel, the afternoon activities began. These included archery and a fun game of cops and robbers in the custom built maze of ground tunnels. They finished at 4.30pm tired out but happy!

A massive thank you to all our community for your donations to both Southbourne Lions fund raising events and the Coop Community Fund that enabled the young carers to have such a fun day out.